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Fundamentals of Sleep Apnea

What Exactly is Sleep Apnea?

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common and serious medical condition that affects your sleep and overall health. It's important to understand what OSA is and how it can impact your life, especially as you get older.

Here's how it works:

When you sleep, the muscles in the upper part of your throat should keep your airway open, allowing air to flow freely into your lungs. However, if you have OSA, these muscles can't always do their job effectively. As a result, your airway can partially or completely close, leading to a pause in your breathing.

This interruption in breathing can cause your oxygen levels to drop and disrupt your sleep. Your body will briefly wake up to open your airway and allow you to breathe properly again. These awakenings are usually very short, lasting only a few seconds. However, they happen frequently throughout the night, preventing you from reaching deep and restorative stages of sleep.

So, why does OSA happen?

The main culprit is the relaxation of the muscles in the back of your throat, which support important structures like the soft palate, uvula (that small piece of tissue hanging in your throat), tonsils, and tongue. When these muscles relax too much during sleep, your airway narrows or even closes temporarily when you breathe in. This can reduce the oxygen levels in your blood, signaling your brain to wake you up briefly to reopen your airway.

You might not even realize these awakenings are happening, but they can occur as often as 30 times or more in a single hour. The result? You'll likely feel tired and drowsy during your waking hours, even if you thought you had a full night's sleep.

Understanding OSA is the first step to addressing it and improving your sleep and overall well-being. If you suspect you have OSA, it's crucial to seek medical advice and explore treatment options for a better night's sleep and a healthier life.

Factors That Increase the Risk of Sleep Apnea

Who Is at Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea can affect anyone, but certain factors can increase your chances of developing it. Here are some things to be aware of:

  1. Weight Matters: If you're carrying extra weight, you may be at a higher risk. Fat deposits around your upper airway can make it harder to breathe during sleep. However, it's essential to note that sleep apnea isn't exclusive to overweight individuals – even those with a slim build can experience it.
  2. Neck Size: The size of your neck can be a clue. A thicker neck might indicate a higher risk because it can narrow the airway. For men, a neck circumference greater than 17 inches, and for women, greater than 15 inches, may suggest an increased risk.
  3. High Blood Pressure: If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), your chances of having obstructive sleep apnea are more significant. These conditions often go hand in hand.
  4. Airway Anatomy: Sometimes, your airway's natural shape can be a factor. It might be naturally narrow, or enlarged tonsils and adenoids can obstruct airflow.
  5. Nasal Congestion: Chronic nighttime nasal congestion can also contribute to obstructive sleep apnea, regardless of its cause. It narrows the airways and can lead to breathing difficulties during sleep.
  6. Diabetes: The risk of obstructive sleep apnea is three times higher in people with diabetes.
  7. Gender: Men are generally twice as likely as women to have obstructive sleep apnea.
  8. Age: This condition is more common in adults over 65.
  9. Postmenopausal Women: Women's risk may increase after menopause.
  10. Family History: If others in your family have sleep apnea, your risk may be higher due to genetic factors.
  11. Substance Use: Alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers can relax throat muscles, making sleep apnea more likely.
  12. Smoking: Smokers have a greater risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.

Remember, while these factors can increase your risk, anyone can be affected by sleep apnea. If you suspect you have it or experience symptoms, it's essential to seek medical advice for proper evaluation and treatment.

Complications Associated with Sleep Apnea

Understanding the Complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a significant medical condition that can lead to various health issues, especially as we age. Here are some important complications to be aware of:

  1. Cardiovascular Problems: When you have sleep apnea, your blood oxygen levels drop suddenly during episodes of blocked breathing. This puts extra strain on your heart and raises your blood pressure. Over time, this can lead to serious heart problems, including an increased risk of heart failure and stroke. If you already have heart disease, sleep apnea can make it worse and even lead to abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation.
  2. Daytime Fatigue: Sleep apnea disrupts your sleep pattern, preventing you from getting the rest you need. As a result, you may experience extreme daytime drowsiness, fatigue, and irritability. Concentration becomes difficult, and you might find yourself falling asleep during daily activities, such as work or driving. Children and young people with sleep apnea may struggle in school and exhibit behavioral issues. Treating sleep apnea can alleviate these symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.
  3. Complications with Medications and Surgery: If you have sleep apnea, certain medications and anesthesia can be riskier for you. This condition makes you more prone to breathing problems, especially when sedated and lying on your back. It's crucial to inform your doctor about your sleep apnea before any surgery to minimize potential complications.
  4. Eye Problems: Some research suggests a link between obstructive sleep apnea and eye conditions like glaucoma and optic nerve swelling (papilledema). Fortunately, successfully treating sleep apnea often resolves these eye issues.
  5. Sleep-Deprived Partners: Loud snoring, a common symptom of sleep apnea, can severely disrupt the sleep of your partner. This can lead to sleep deprivation for both you and your loved one, potentially straining relationships. It's not uncommon for partners to resort to sleeping in separate rooms.

In addition to the complications mentioned, individuals with sleep apnea may also experience memory problems, morning headaches, mood swings, feelings of depression, and frequent nighttime urination (nocturia). If you suspect you have sleep apnea or have been diagnosed with it, seeking treatment is essential to improve your health and overall well-being.

Enhance Your Body's Immune Defense

Improve Your Immune System Through Quality Sleep

As we age, maintaining a strong immune system becomes increasingly important. Did you know that your sleep patterns play a crucial role in bolstering your body's defense against illnesses?

The Center for Disease Control highlights that insufficient sleep has been associated with various health issues like obesity, depression, and heart disease. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces fewer cytokines – these are proteins that combat inflammation and infections. Additionally, quality sleep helps your immune system by reducing stress hormones that can hinder the effectiveness of integrins, vital for T cells in destroying virus-infected and cancer cells.

Experts generally recommend seven to eight hours of sleep per night, though individual needs can vary with age. If your work schedule affects your sleep, consider making up for it with daytime naps.

Sometimes, conditions like Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can disrupt your sleep quality. OSA has been linked to increased risks of stroke, heart attacks, and high blood pressure due to frequent interruptions in sleep.

At GoCPAP Plus, we provide a range of CPAP machines and products designed to help those with OSA. These devices increase air pressure in your throat, preventing airway narrowing, which can lead to improved focus, lower blood pressure, reduced daytime fatigue, and ultimately, a stronger and healthier immune system.

Equipment Information

About CPAP Masks

Exploring CPAP Mask Types:

  1. Nasal CPAP Masks
  2. Nasal Pillow CPAP Masks
  3. Hybrid CPAP Masks
  4. Full Face CPAP Masks
  5. Nasal Prong CPAP Masks

Cleaning Your Mask:

For optimal mask hygiene, follow these guidelines:


  • Wash the mask system with warm, unscented soapy water.
  • Recommended soaps: Plain Ivory® liquid soap or baby shampoo.
  • Rinse thoroughly and air dry away from direct sunlight.


  • Hand wash mask components and headgear separately in warm, soapy water.
  • Rinse components well and air dry away from direct sunlight.


  • Avoid solutions with vinegar, bleach, chlorine, alcohol, aromatics, moisturizers, antibacterial agents, or scented oils.
  • Keep the system and tubing away from direct sunlight to prevent deterioration.
  • Discard and replace any visibly deteriorated components (cracking, tears, etc.).
  • Most headgear can be washed without disassembly; however, be cautious of dye running during the first wash.

Replacing Your Cushion:

To maintain optimal performance, replace your mask cushion periodically. Factors affecting cushion life include use, skin oils, and cleaning. Regularly inspect your mask for signs of wear and tear, and wash your face before use.

Replacing Your Headgear:

Occasional replacement of headgear is necessary, depending on use, skin oils, and care. Wash headgear at least once a week and dry it away from direct sunlight. Oily skin or hair may require more frequent washing.

Mask Leak Troubleshooting:

If your mask is leaking, consider these possibilities:

  1. Incorrect adjustment
  2. Incorrect assembly
  3. Incorrect size
  4. Worn-out mask, needing replacement

Follow manufacturer instructions for proper fit, considering variations in mask types and materials. For example, ResMed masks often use an air seal, requiring fitting with the machine on. Over-tightening can affect performance. Check fitting videos on our site and refer to manufacturers' tips for additional guidance.

About CPAP Machines

Navigating CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and Beyond:

Understanding CPAP:
CPAP, short for "continuous positive airway pressure," stands out as the most effective noninvasive treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This therapy involves a CPAP machine with key components:

  1. A mask or device fitting over your nose or both nose and mouth, secured by straps.
  2. A tube connecting the mask to the machine's motor.
  3. A motor that delivers a gentle stream of air into the tube.

CPAP machines are compact, lightweight, and emit a soft, rhythmic noise. Successful CPAP users report remarkable improvements in vitality, motivation, job performance, mood, sexual drive, alertness while driving, quality of life, and sleep quality.

Introducing APAP (Automatic Positive Airway Pressure):
APAP, short for "automatic positive airway pressure," represents an advanced device in treating obstructive sleep apnea. Unlike CPAP, APAP automatically adjusts breath by breath, delivering the minimum pressure needed to keep the upper airway open during sleep. APAPs are known for their sophistication, featuring various adjustments to ensure an ideal pressure throughout the night. Some terms used interchangeably with APAP include auto-adjusting CPAP, auto-titrating CPAP, self-adjusting CPAP, auto PAP, automatic CPAP, and simply "Auto."

Why Choose APAP?
Many CPAP users prefer APAP due to its dynamic pressure adjustments, providing a more pleasant breathing experience. Unlike CPAP, which maintains a constant high pressure, APAP adapts to your changing pressure needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those in physician-directed weight loss programs or experiencing varying pressure requirements.

Exploring Bi-Level Therapy:
Bi-level devices serve two main purposes:

  1. For individuals finding continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy challenging.
  2. As noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) for respiratory disorders or other forms of Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB).

Bilevel therapy operates by delivering two distinct levels of positive air pressure – a higher level during inhalation and a lower level during exhalation. Unlike CPAP, Bilevel devices are versatile, treating conditions beyond sleep apnea, making them the first line of treatment for various respiratory disorders. Frequently treated conditions include nocturnal hypoventilation, respiratory insufficiency, neuromuscular disease, respiratory failure, chest wall deformity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, and OSA (for specific cases).

Types of Bilevel:

  1. Bilevel
  2. Auto Bilevel
  3. Bilevel ST (Spontaneous/Timed)
  4. Adaptive Servo Ventilation (ASV)

Manufacturer Warranties:
APAP, Bi-level, and CPAP machines come with manufacturer warranties. In case of malfunctions, contact our office for assistance and an RMA number. Remember, water damage and misuse are not covered. Repairs and replacements may take up to four weeks, and rental machines are available during this period. Warranties are at the manufacturer's discretion. For additional details, refer to the company website's list of current prices.

About CPAP Humidifiers

Indulge in Comfort: Unleashing the Benefits of a Heated Humidifier

Discover the Comfort of Heated Humidification:
A heated humidifier is a game-changer, utilizing warmth to elevate your CPAP experience. This innovative device warms water to add moisture to the airstream, and the adjustable heat settings provide a customizable level of moisture. The principle is simple – warmer air can carry more moisture, combating the nasal dryness often associated with CPAP therapy.

Why Choose a Heated Humidifier?
For many CPAP users, nasal congestion and dryness are common challenges that can be severe enough to hinder treatment continuation. The heated humidifier, seamlessly integrated with a CPAP or bi-level system, introduces warmth and moisture to the air, alleviating symptoms of dryness and congestion. This not only enhances patient comfort but also boosts compliance with CPAP therapy.

Research has revealed that nasal resistance may prompt mouth breathing, leading to additional dryness. Heated humidification acts as a preventive measure, averting a significant increase in nasal resistance that might result in mouth breathing and unwanted leaks.

Optimizing Heated Humidification:
Understanding the nuances of your humidifier usage is crucial for optimal performance:

  1. Water Consumption: The amount of water needed varies based on your humidifier model, individual needs, and bedroom temperature and humidity levels.
  2. Water Change Routine: Follow your manufacturer's guidelines, but as a general rule, change the water nightly, even if not fully consumed.

Tackling Condensation Concerns:
Encountering rainout – the condensation in the tube – is a common issue. Combat this challenge with effective strategies:

  1. Heated Tube: Explore a heated tube option if available for your machine model.
  2. Humidity Level Adjustment: Fine-tune your humidity settings to strike the perfect balance.
  3. Bedroom Temperature: Enhance your bedroom's warmth to minimize the temperature contrast with the humidifier. Ensure windows are closed for optimal results.
  4. Insulation Techniques: Keep your tubing warm by running it beneath your blankets or employing tube wraps or socks for added insulation.

Maintaining Your Heated Humidifier:
Prioritize the longevity and performance of your humidifier with a diligent maintenance routine:

  1. Daily Ritual: Wash your water tub in warm water with a mild detergent, ensuring a thorough rinse and allowing it to dry away from direct sunlight.
  2. Monthly Check: Conduct a monthly inspection of the water tub, looking for signs of wear or deterioration. Replace the tub if any component shows cracks, cloudiness, or pitting.

Unleash the potential of your CPAP therapy with the comforting embrace of a heated humidifier. Elevate your experience, boost compliance, and prioritize your well-being. Order your heated humidifier today for a sleep experience like never before.

About CPAP Supplies

Enhance Your CPAP Experience: A Guide to Optimal Maintenance

Ensuring Peak Performance:
In the world of CPAP therapy, the key to uninterrupted comfort lies in the regular replacement of filters, tubing, and mask cushions. These components play a crucial role in your therapy's effectiveness, and their functionality can be influenced by factors such as your home environment, cleaning frequency, and cleaning methods. We strongly recommend proactive inspection and timely replacements to maintain the integrity of your CPAP system.

CPAP Filters: Breathe in Freshness
CPAP filters serve as the guardians of the air generated by your CPAP machine. To ensure the continuous delivery of clean air, it's advisable to replace filters every two to four weeks. Homes with smoke or pets may necessitate more frequent replacements to uphold optimal filter performance.

CPAP Tubing: Uninterrupted Airflow
The tubing in your CPAP system plays a vital role in delivering a steady stream of air. For consistent performance, we recommend replacing the tubing every 6-12 months, depending on its condition. A seamless transition of air through fresh tubing ensures the efficacy of your therapy.

CPAP Mask Cushions: The Key to Success
Mask cushions are the unsung heroes of successful CPAP therapy, influencing proper mask fit, preventing leaks, and maintaining prescribed pressure. Factors like skin oils can impact cushion life and performance. While a cushion may not exhibit visible damage, it may lose its seal over time. Regular inspection and replacement, as needed, are crucial to ensuring an optimal mask fit for uninterrupted therapy.

A Symphony of Components: Your CPAP System's Harmony
Incorporating these replacement practices into your routine will orchestrate a symphony of components, harmonizing to deliver an unmatched CPAP experience. Don't wait for visible signs of wear – take charge of your therapy's longevity by inspecting and replacing filters, tubing, and mask cushions at the recommended intervals.

Elevate your CPAP journey by prioritizing the maintenance of these essential components. Order your replacement items today and embrace the freshness, consistency, and success that come with a well-maintained CPAP system.

About Replacement Timeline

Optimizing Your CPAP Experience: A Guide to Replacement Frequencies

Ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your CPAP equipment is pivotal for a seamless sleep therapy experience. As most supplies are disposable, timely replacements are essential to prevent functional deterioration. Leverage our recommended replacement schedule below to keep your CPAP system operating at its peak performance. Visit our supply section to effortlessly acquire your replacement items and prioritize the vitality of your sleep therapy.

Recommended Replacement Schedule for CPAP and BiPAP Supplies:

  • CPAP Masks (A7034): Every 3 months
  • CPAP Mask Headgear (A7035): Every 3-6 months
  • CPAP Mask Tubing (A7037): Every 3 months
  • Disposable Filters (A7038): 2 new filters every month
  • Non-Disposable Filters (A7039): 2 new filters every 6 months
  • CPAP Chin Strap (A7036): Every 6 months
  • Full Face CPAP Masks (A7030): Every 3 months
  • Oral CPAP Masks (A7044): Every 3 months
  • Humidifier Chambers (A7046): Every 6 months
  • CPAP Machines (E0601): Generally, every 3-5 years, or as necessary

Why Replace?

  • CPAP Masks: Ensure an optimal seal and prevent leaks.
  • Headgear: Avoid over tightening and pressure point pain.
  • Tubing: Maintain uninterrupted airflow.
  • Disposable Filters: Prevent clogs and maintain air purity.
  • Non-Disposable Filters: Sustain efficient air filtration.
  • Chin Strap: Preserve effectiveness in supporting therapy.
  • Full Face and Oral Masks: Guarantee a secure and comfortable fit.
  • Humidifier Chambers: Ensure optimal moisture levels.
  • CPAP Machines: Upgrade every 3-5 years for advanced features.

Commit to the vitality of your sleep therapy by adhering to our recommended replacement schedule. Embrace the ease of securing your replacement supplies and elevate your CPAP experience today!

Billing Information

About Billing Insurance

Navigating CPAP Expense Reimbursement: A Comprehensive Guide

While our organization does not directly bill private insurance for CPAP supplies, we understand the importance of seeking reimbursement for your out-of-pocket costs. To assist you in this process, we've compiled detailed instructions on how to file an insurance claim for both CPAP and BiPAP supplies. Please note that Medicare recipients have specific procedures that differ from those outlined here.

Important Notes:

  • Medicare Recipients: Claims for Medicare must be billed by an equipment company with a Medicare provider number, and individuals cannot submit claims independently.
  • Accuracy Disclaimer: We provide basic instructions but are not responsible for insurance companies' specific procedures. Verify details with your insurance company before submitting a claim.


  1. Contact Your Insurance: Reach out to your insurance company's member services to confirm the eligibility of submitting a claim for out-of-pocket medical expenses.
  2. Inquire About Requirements: While speaking with your insurance representative, ask for specific information or forms needed for your claim. Some may have generic claim forms, while others might require specific documents.
  3. Complete the Required Form: Ensure your claim form is accurately filled out, including all qualifying and billing information necessary for processing.
  4. Attach Invoice Copy: Include a copy of your invoice, with supplies listed by their appropriate billing codes. Some insurers may need CPAP mask and headgear costs processed separately.
  5. Submission to Insurance: Submit your invoice and claim form according to your insurance company's preferred method, typically by fax or mail.
  6. Wait for Reimbursement: Reimbursement timelines vary, but most insurance companies issue reimbursements within 30 days.

HCPCS Billing Codes:
Utilize the following codes when processing claims. Match each code to the corresponding item listed on your invoice. Note that items like CPAP batteries, bed pillows, and adapters are typically not covered.

  • E0601: CPAP machine purchase
  • A7034: CPAP nasal mask
  • A7032: CPAP nasal mask cushion
  • A7030: CPAP Full Face mask
  • A7031: CPAP Full Face mask cushion
  • A7044: CPAP Full Oral Interface
  • A7046: CPAP Humidifier Chamber
  • A7037: CPAP tubing, long and short hoses
  • A7038: CPAP disposable filter
  • A7039: CPAP foam filter
  • A7035: CPAP headgear
  • A7033: CPAP nasal pillows
  • A7036: CPAP chinstrap
  • E0561: CPAP Passover Humidifier
  • E0562: CPAP Heated Humidifier
  • E0470: BiPAP purchase
  • E0471: BiPAP-ST purchase
  • A4604: Thermo Smart Tube
  • K0553: Oral/Nasal (Hybrid) Mask
  • K0554: Oral Cushion for Hybrid Mask
  • K0555: Nasal Cushion for Hybrid Mask
  • E1399: CPAP Miscellaneous

Physician Diagnosis Code:
Include the code G47.33 for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) if required by your insurance.

Empower yourself with these comprehensive instructions to optimize your CPAP expense reimbursement process. For a hassle-free experience, visit our products page to acquire replacement supplies and enhance your sleep therapy journey.

Medicare Notice

Your Trusted CPAP Partner:

At, we take pride in providing top-quality CPAP equipment to our valued customers. We operate on a straightforward payment system, accepting cash payments for our products. Please be aware of the following key points:

  • Independent Operation: We maintain an independent business model and do not engage in partnerships with government-based, private insurance programs, or social benefit programs. Assignment arrangements are not accepted in our transactions.
  • No Medicare Affiliation: Plus LLC does not possess a Medicare number, and we are not enlisted as a Medicare provider. Consequently, purchases made on our platform will not be eligible for reimbursement by Medicare.

Rest assured, when you choose, you're choosing a dedicated CPAP provider committed to transparency and exceptional service. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to facilitate your journey towards better sleep. Explore our range of CPAP equipment today!

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